Facilitiamo la transizione verso sane abitudini

“Solo cambiando le nostre abitudini cambieremo la società del futuro”

David Mariani

Healthy Habits® è un progetto di salute e innovazione sociale attivodal 2016, ideato per facilitare un miglioramento generalizzato delle abitudini nella popolazione, in direzione della prevenzione primaria e del rispetto degli equilibri con l’ecosistema.

Mette a sistema le più recenti acquisizioni della psicologia sociale, dell’economia comportamentale e delle neuro scienze, incrociate con un accurato studio antropologico e l’esperienza ultra quarantennale di David Mariani nel settore.

Può contare sul contributo di un team interdisciplinare, formato da: ricercatori e scienziati specializzati nei quattro ambiti teorizzati dalla metodologia (scienze ambientali, fisiologiche, relazionali e nutrizionali).

Risponde concretamente alle raccomandazioni per l’invecchiamento sano in Europa 2012-2020, dell’European Innovation Partnership on Activeageing (EIP – AHA), ai sustainable development goals dell’ONU, al global action plan on Physical activity 2018-2030 dell’OMS e offre strumenti e strategie pratiche per potenziare la rete WHP dell’OMS (aziende che promuovo la salute sui luoghi di lavoro)

La filosofia e l’approccio Healthy Habits® ribaltano il vecchio paradigma che prevede l’impiego di grandi sforzi di volontà per cambiare stile di vita. Si basa al contrario su rimuovere le resistenze che bloccano e rendono faticoso il percorso di cambiamento.

Una rivoluzione gentile perchè usa 4 forze che hanno accompagnato l’evoluzione umana, 4 catalizzatori naturali (nutrizione, ambiente, fisiologia, relazioni) che sapientemente utilizzati e armonizzati tra loro sono in grado di rendere fluido il cambiamento e permettere il ritrovamento di un naturale equilibrio tra salute umana, ambientale e degli ecosistemi.

Il progetto Healthy Habits® unisce anzichè dividere, perchè parte da biologia e fisiologia punti comuni all’intera umanità.

Rappresenta un’ opportunità per contenere i costi socio sanitari derivati dai cattivi stili di vita e un volano per il miglioramento della qualità della vita delle persone e dell’intera collettività.

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Secure your exclusive health consultation today!

Your journey to optimal health begins here. Take the first step towards a healthier you – consult our women’s health services today.

Our Specialties

Tailored care for every stage of life

Women's dermatology addresses skin-related concerns unique to women.
A natural biological process in a woman's life, marking the end of her reproductive years.
Infertility is a medical condition characterized by the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy.
A painful medical condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus.
Bladder Problems
It encompass a range of issues, including urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections and interstitial cystitis.
A healthcare profession focused on providing personalized care and support to expectant mothers throughout pregnancy.
Mental Wellbeing
Mental well-being in women is crucial and encompasses emotional, psychological, and social aspects of mental health.
Sexual Health
Sexual health in women addressing aspects like reproductive health, contraception, STI prevention, and healthy relationships.

Why us?

Our Advantage

Personalized Treatment
We understand that every woman is different, and so are her health concerns. Our experienced healthcare professionals take the time to listen, understand, and assess your individual health goals and challenges.
We hold your privacy and confidentiality in the highest regard. We are committed to safeguarding all your personal and medical information with the utmost care and professionalism. Our healthcare team adheres to strict privacy practices and complies with all relevant laws and regulations.
Pactitioners Network
A practitioner's network in women's healthcare is a critical component of the medical landscape, focused on delivering comprehensive and specialized care to women at every stage of life.
Comfortable Clinic
Comfort plays a crucial role in your overall healthcare experience. Our commitment to your well-being extends beyond medical expertise to create a warm and inviting environment that puts your comfort at the forefront. We ensure that your time at our clinic is as pleasant and reassuring as possible.

Our Experts

Top class providers

As top-class women's health providers, we are committed to delivering the highest standard of care to our patients. Our dedicated team of experts combines years of experience with cutting-edge medical knowledge to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment. We understand the unique healthcare needs of women and offer comprehensive services tailored to address those needs.


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We offer all the services a woman could possibly require.

With our expertise and dedication, you can expect nothing but the finest care for all your women’s health concerns.
How this works?
  • Register by filling out the form
  • Book an appointment
  • Consultation with a doctor
  • We will offer diagnostic services if required
  • Pay online or at the clinic

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